This page contains all of the Infrastructure ongoing tasks and scheduled work.
Ongoing Tasks
Scheduled Work
Chronological changes started February 2011 :
Prepare as KVM hypervisor (thias) <- YOU ARE HERE
- Create a new KVM guest for a puppetmaster, reuse as much as possible from puppet1 (xavier, thias)
- Create a new KVM guest using puppet for master DNS, move existing zones there (thias)
- Create a new KVM guest using puppet for SMTP and Mailman, move existing lists there (thias)
- Make above guests FAS managed (xavier)
- Grant access to the OVH Manager + root access using puppet to many trusted infrastructure contributors
- Create a new KVM guest using puppet for DB, to move existing Databases services there (xavier)
- Create a new KVM guest (rhel5.x) and move FAS server there (xavier)
(many more to come)