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RPM Fusion

RPM Fusion provides software that the Fedora Project or Red Hat doesn't want to ship. That software is provided as precompiled RPMs for all current Fedora versions and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5; you can use the RPM Fusion repositories with tools like yum and PackageKit.

RPM Fusion is a merger or Dribble, Freshrpms, and Livna; our goal is to simplify end-user experience by grouping as much add-on software as possible in a single location. Also see our FoundingPrinciples.

For users

You can get support for RPM Fusion in most of the usual Fedora discussion places -- e.g. fedora-list, #fedora on freenode and

For packagers

Browse available packages

The RPM Fusion repositories can be browsed directly to see what's in them. Indexes of each repository are made using RepoView.